Sunday, February 13, 2011

Birth Order Trait

In my opinion, the theory that eldest id the more responsibilities more than middle and youngest child. This is experience in my family that my brother the eldest one is the responsible towards my family. If anything happen to my family, he is the first who stand up in front line to solve the problem. This is because is a destiny that eldest should be the one who's taking care of their sibling The exactly happen is the middle child is the one who more like to do own self more than other sibling. Middle child is more independent and like to survive with no depend on their parents. The youngest who should be the one who have more attention from my parents and less independent. It is because most youngest child will provide everything that he or she need from his parent and sibling. Makes the youngest child is depend more than middle and eldest child. So make it less to have responsible to family because he know that he got eldest brother who taking care it off. The middle child will have the responsible if the eldest cant be help the family and middle will be the assistant to help the eldest.